xxx Sonar system


The xxx is an Active and Passive sonar system designed and developed by LSI for a customer’s submarine.
It can operate in Passive Mode, Active Mode or simultaneously in both modes (Dual Mode).

Main features:

  • Broadband automatic detection and tracking, in Passive and Dual Mode
  • Narrow band, DEMON and Intercept in Passive Mode on a operator selected beam
  • Automatic active sonar detection & tracking both in HFM and CW, in Active and Dual Mode
  • Passive and active audio processing
  • PBIT, CBIT and IBIT for maintenance
  • Communication with submarine network for tracks data and NAVS
  • MIL-STD compliance for submarine application


The xxx system is composed by:

  • TX transducers and power amplifier
  • RX hydrophones
  • Signals & Data Processing Unit
  • Main touch screen console
  • Secondary (redundant) touch screen console
  • LSI ANS-1000 switch

Passive display for broadband,
narrowband & intercept

Passive display for broadband,
narrowband & DEMON

Active mode display

DUAL mode display


xxx Sonar system

Customized products

Training System for xxx

Customized products

UAS (Underwater Anti-intruder System)

Customized products

Leonardo Sistemi Integrati

About us

Leonardo Sistemi Integrati is an engineering company focused on the supply of projects and products with a strong electronic component

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Leonardo Sistemi Integrati S.r.l.

Via Greto di Cornigliano 6r
16152 Genova, Italy
Tel. +39 010 8176940

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